Saturday, December 15, 2007

An essay on love, gratitude and hate

Woman, thou that have gained eternal gratitude towards this man, for it were his hands that have stole thy son's life, from certain death. Indeed this man came out of pure intentions, and he himself could have been injured beyond repair. Nevertheless, thy natural feelings towards him, that undoubtedly you have, are few besides gratitude. No better deed he could have done, to acquire your highest regard, but it is just that, regard. If not so, tell me woman: do you love this man? Besides your gratitude, there lies nothing more.

I wonder, what would happen if this man, this same man who has saved thy son's life, who was delayed his ultimate fate, and thus, gained the right to that life, would kill him, finishing death's deed. Would thy new feelings towards him be of mere ingratitude. I believe no, and these feelings would be of extreme prejudice, of pure hatred. Indeed they would be much more lasting than thy previous, and albeit these were solely based on gratitude (always below love), these last would rank the highest on the scale of disgust.

Can you see the point?

Monday, December 03, 2007

One image for a thousand words... and for music, how much?

Have you ever compared, and perhaps realized, the power of audio-visual information with just audio? Which of these, in your perspective, win? What would you prefer to choose, if you would have to opt by one?

Visual information is obviously extremely important, but I'm not writing about the ability to see the world around us, but of the visual information that is stored in some way, like a movie or TV, preferably one that has an audio component...
You see one TV series, and will you see it again? Or a movie? Well, I like a lot of films, and some I will see more times in the future, but it would be difficult to watch a movie twice in the same day. I mean, is it not a story, that loses a bit of its fun after knowing its closure? Of course, there are brilliant exceptions, like David Lynch films, or the excellent photograph in Kubrick's films... but the bottom point is: to see films twice... difficult (and even more with TV series!!!).

Now, with music, well? Isn't that a whole different matter?... How many times a day can you repeat hearing the same music? How many times you sing in your thoughts a song, and in the first moment that you can spare, you go an hear it? For myself, I can sing a music in my thought, and even decompose it sometimes (if I know it well). But to hear it, is it not a pleasure? It has nothing to do with movies. It is a completely different power, this of these sequences of notes, flying through the air in tiny pressure waves. Is this not worthy of a thousand images? Is it not amazing the time you can give of yourselves, just listening to music? Well, I can and I'm glad.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


The sleeper has awaken.