Thursday, November 06, 2008

On the Road ...

Finished reading Kerouac's "On the Road". Here is a book that opens our minds, a fresh luff of air indeed. The experience he relates are worthy of envy. In the end, it's a difficult task the one of leaving to know the world. Why? Because to know you must cut your safety net, you must leave the controlled environment of some nicely planed holidays. What I think Kerouac tries to transmit, beside many other things, is that the act of discovery can come only sided with the act of adventure... And how can you do this when you have booked a flight to after go to your booked hostel to visit only what you were scheduled and told to see, not the real stuff but a distorted image of it...
Yasss, what Kerouac tries to tell is for us to depart , released from our responsible social fears, and live the trip, live that road which lies between you and your destination, to walk, hitchhike, drive, simply travel there without schedules... in sum, to be spontaneous!
The end unfortunately leaves us facing 'the departure', and sweetly made me remind of all people that have passed by, leaving me their imprint, and are now gone; or maybe not gone but far away, too far. But that's just life, just the deep realization of time, isn't it?

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